Recently I moved into my dorm at Bates! Keep reading for a look at how I chose to allocate space and decorate (with the help of my sisters).
Left Side
The Closet & Dresser
I had the option to keep the dresser inside my closet but decided to remove it so that I would have the floor for shoe storage. The floor of the closet holds my shoes, laundry hamper, and one backpack, while the other two hang from a hanger alongside my jackets and t-shirts. I chose to arrange my shirts by rainbow only to realize my shirts are only in three colors: red, blue, and grey/black. I guess that matches my room.
The dresser holds my clothes (obviously). On top is some empty water bottles, my latest comics and my toiletries. Above the dresser is a bulletin board (regrettably I have no pins for it) and a whiteboard (which already has a message from my suitemates).
The Desk
On the top shelf, from left to right, is: my Bates cap with an action figure underneath, some school supplies, ten pucks, two blank notebooks, and some “To-Read” books and graphic novels.
Hanging between the shelf and the body of the desk is a chain with 16 of 50 pictures I printed from Shutterfly. See if you can spot yourself.
On the desk itself I have a lamp, pencil sharpener, hardcover copies of my books, a mug, stapler, and two wooden books from Sri Lanka which I store some things in. Inside the desk I have miscellaneous school supplies, and the keyboard slide drawer holds some things I expect to use every day.
Right Side
The Bed
When Clara decided she would be designing my room, she asked if there was anything for sure I wanted there, and I said the Spider-Man 2099 poster I got from Free Comic Book Day 2018. She, Anna, and my mother proceeded to purchase my linens and towels based off that color scheme. There is also a Bates flag above my bed.
Not pictured: My hockey stick, between my desk and bed.
The Storage
Underneath my bed is a plastic dresser with my hockey equipment, two trash cans, a blue bin of snacks, and a black mini-fridge with lots of water in it. There is also a power strip which powers my phone at night and my fan 24/7, which rests on the window ledge.
And that’s it! Not terribly interesting but still fun to talk about. Thanks for stopping by!