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Writer's pictureC.M. Selbrede

ACC in 2019: April

April Showers bring an end to ACC Pub Ink’s all-encompassing hiatus as ACC Cinematic begins its first “season” of consistent content! Starting now, our YouTube channel will produce 3 original videos every month until the end of the season, typically consisting of a sketch and one promotional video related to Two, The Valley Chronicles, or something else along those lines!

Meanwhile, other fun features will premiere in Electric/Eccentric, including a warm-up project of mine called Starlight! This month you can expect:

  1. Monday, April 1st- “My Favorite Comics of 2018!” (Opinion)

  2. Monday, April 8th- “Chapter Three: John” (The Valley Chronicles: Tempest Preview)

  3. Friday, April 12th- “The Party” (two Special Feature)

  4. Sunday, April 21st- “Everyone Else” (two Featurette)

  5. Thursday, April 25th- “Issue #1: Nova” (Starlight)

  6. Sunday, April 28th- “iPhone Group Chats” (Self-Shame)

  7. Monday, April 29th- “May ’19” (ACC in 2019 Inventory)

There’s admittedly a chance I’ll have to delay ACC Cinematic’s Self-Shame to the Summer. Well see how that pans out.

Update: Self-Shame is delayed indefinitely!

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